Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Letters for Little Ones

We don't have a regular 'school' time around here, but we do educational things everyday.  I really try to not push a concentrated learning time.  I feel they are young and have a lot to learn through experiences they come across.  However, it has come time that Little Man is showing interest when I pull out the alphabet letters.  I've tried multiple times before, and he didn't want anything to do with my 'games'.  No biggie, we just worked on something else or played.  Now that he's ready, I'm super excited and he's doing very well.  Here's a little glimpse at his letter cards...
If you're curious as to why there are little smiley face stickers on the index letter cards, it's to show Little Man which way the letter goes.  The smiley face is always at the top.

After he's got quite a few of the letters down, we're going on a Letter Safari.  Hunting for the hidden letters around the house and capturing them.


  1. Love this idea right down to the safari! Glad he is enjoying it too. Can you believe he is old enough to be doing this now? Crazy!

  2. Love that! I have a friend who has done "the safari". Great idea! I don't know if your kids are tv kids or not, but my kids like the Leap Frog video Letter Factory. =)
