Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Twice Baked Potato and Anger Management

Last night we had twice baked potatoes.  Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm. I baked the potatoes, cut them in half, waited for them to cool a little, and then scooped out the soft middle.  That's when it hit the fan.  The peel to the first potato ripped.  A rational person would have patched it back together, but not I.  Potatoes started flying, along with screaming, kicking, and crying.  I mashed those suckers getting out all my aggression.  When I came to my senses, I realized I still had to cook dinner.  With tail tucked, I threw in some sour cream, shredded cheddar cheese, butter, and because there's just not enough recipes with french fried onions, I added a dash of french fried onions. Spread it in a pan and baked it like I would twice baked potatoes (@ 350 degrees for 20 minutes).

{Before baking. Last 5 minutes, I topped it with more cheese.  I like to be constipated.}

Then Steven came home and asked, "What's this?"
"Don't ask, Dear.  Don't ask."
And then I dialed the number for Anger Management Anonymous.

Happy Cooking!


  1. I totally have those days. Poor potatoes, lol =) Oh, and hope your not constipated! =)

  2. You're funny.
    This looks fine - some chives or green onion would have made look gourmet ;)

  3. That is awesome, so glad I'm not the only one who has those moments...Craig calls it "Red Dawn" (if you ever watched Friends, it's in reference to "Red Ross" LOL)! And I totally would have eaten your potatoes, they look yummy!
