Saturday, July 10, 2010

Down In the Trenches

I think we all have THAT day.  The day that you're just down.  Down so low you really can't see the light of day.  Down so low you think, "How am I going to get out of this?"  I deal with this at least three times a day, and it all spawns from the same act.  Even though I know it's going to happen everyday at least once from Little Miss, Chunky Monkey, and Little Man I still can't figure out how to cope.  I've tried multiple strategies, and yet there is no relief.  No solution. No hope.  It's difficult for me to cope with, but right now it has become a reality yet again because Little Man is dragging me back in that trench... "Mooooommm, come wipe my booty!  I'm donnnnne!"

You would think that after changing multiple diapers and wiping multiple booties, that I would be used to it.  Consequently, it only leaves me wondering why God did not make little kids with longer arms so they could wipe their own booties.  A question, I'm sure will be on my Top 10 List once I get to Heaven.  No, not really.  Okay, possibly.  For sure, yes.

{Even in the early stages of potty training, I wondered about the arm thing. 
I am seeking couseling.  Right after I book that appointment for Anger Management}


  1. Yes ma'am I feel your pain! I have two doing a good job, but Jude insists on coming from the bathroom and sticking his butt in the air and ask me to check it he did a good job! LOL! I'll pray for you if you'll pray for me. =)

  2. Jesse, that is too funny! I suspect I'll be there soon.
