Friday, July 23, 2010

Praise God

About two months ago, I wrote in my prayer journal for an opportunity for more income.  Shortly after I believed God for this, I got the idea for Wisp Clips.  Wisp Clips has been going very well, and I'm working on more and more designs.  But that's not the cool part.  I specifically prayed for that income so Little Man and Little Miss can be apart of more activities.  Just today, I was offered a little job to teach two gymnastic classes.  One for 5/6 year olds, and a basic tumbling for 7 & up.  Not only is this a paid job, but Little Man and Little Miss get to attend for free.  I am very excited for this season.  God has always taken care of our needs.  He keeps His promises.  He blesses us. 

Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of you heart.


  1. How exciting! Where, if you don't mind, are you going to be doing them at?

  2. I don't mind at all! I'll be at First Baptist Church in BA. It's more tumbling and basic gymnastic skills. At the end of each class, there's a little devotion you do with your group.

  3. Amanda, that is truly wonderful! I am so happy that you are getting to do something you are passionate about...with your kids...while making money. God is good!!
