Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Help and The Glass Castle

This book is a must read.  I can't even possibly begin to put into words how much I loved this book.  Kathryn Stockett stayed true to the times throughout the entire book.  You'll grow to love some characters and down right despise others.  A book about defeat and victory, love and hate, friendship and enemies, and above all else a snapshot of history (even though it's a fictional book) in Jackson, MS.  Find time and READ this book.

The Glass Castle is another good read.  There is no way I can put it in the same category as The Help, but it's still good.  In all honesty, I'm having difficulty reading this one for long periods of time.  Not because it isn't a good read, but it's just sad.  A memoir of a little girl and her family.  It makes me think of way too many students I have taught in public schools.  So many of her stories she tells remind me of one student in particular.  I can get about two chapters in, before I tear up and have to put the book down.  So this one comes with a disclaimer.  If you are ultra-sensitive to the happenings of children, be aware. It will be a good, but difficult read.

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