Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Fresh Strawberry and Spinach Salad

Here's a great salad that will WOW your guests!  The best part?  Are you ready?  This salad can be made in 5 minutes.  Yes, you read that correctly.  I know, you're welcome.  I accept cash or checks for gratitude.  What's that?  Oh, you spell million, m-i-l-l-i-o-n.
1 bunch fresh spinach stemmed
1 pint fresh strawberries
1 cup pecan or walnut pieces

Poppy Seed Dressing
(this makes enough for two salads)
1 cup canola oil
1/3 cup red wine vinegar
3/4 cup sugar
1 Tbsp poppy seeds
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp grated onion
1 tsp dry mustard
3 drops red food coloring (optional)
  • Mix spinach, strawberries, and pecans/walnuts in a bowl.
  • Mix dressing ingredients.
  • Pour over sald just before serving.
You didn't break a sweat did you? 

On a more personal note, I have a picture for you.  This is me...cooking.  You can find me in this exact position Monday through Friday between the hours of 4:30pm to 5:15pm.  It's dinner preparation time.  The only thing different is I left the camera on the counter, and a three year old (who will remain nameless) found my camera and was snapping away.  I had about fifty to sixty pictures to delete after his little escapade was over.  However, I'm happy to have this memory.  Not of me, but of what some nameless little boy was doing on this day

Happy Cooking!!!


  1. I love that salad, it is one of our faves!

  2. I love salads with fruit and have been wanting a good dressing recipe. This is perfect!! Thank you!!
