Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Desperate Times... for desperate measures. 

It's been hot here.  If you'd like to do anything outdoors that doesn't involve water, then you should get it done from the crack of dawn until 8:00am.  That's the only bearable time frame for the day.  That's it.  Since we're still in our pj's at 8:00am, our outside time involves water.

If your a mom, then you know there's only so much sprinkler time you can have before the fights start over who's standing where, and who gets shot in the mouth with the water.  So we pulled out the pudding today.  The kids each got something to stir with and went to town.  Then they got to do whatever they wanted with the finished product.  Here's what they chose to do...
Sorry Chunky Monkey!  I couldn't resist. 
 It was the perfect crack shot, and your mom
gave me permission to share.
Yes, I will use it to show your girlfriends.

I would like to draw your attention to the picture of just Little Miss and Chunky Monkey.  Little Miss is two weeks older than Chunky Monkey, but she looks so tiny next to him.  I really can't believe they will two in October.  Time goes too fast.


  1. LOL, I bet they had a blast! Cute photos!

  2. GREAT idea!!! I'm totally going to steal this one!
