Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Say What?

This story does not come from my classroom, but courtesy of the learning disability teacher at my former school.  This story had the lounge rolling for the entire lunch period. 

As the kids were filing in to Mrs. L's class, one boy is particularly excited.

"Mrs. L, Mrs. L., I'm going to be rich!!!"

"You are?"

"Yep.  My mom is going to marry a doctor."

"Wow, that's exciting.  I didn't know your mom had a new boyfriend."

"She doesn't.  It's still the same guy."

"Well isn't she dating Jimmy's dad?"

Jimmy pipes up, "Yes, they're still dating."

Johnny turns to Jimmy, "Tell Mrs. L, Jimmy.  You're dad's a doctor."

Jimmy turns to Mrs. L, "He's sorta a doctor.  He's the Glass Doctor."

Mrs. L had to go on to explain to poor Johnny that he was not going to be rich.  Jimmy's dad works for a company called Glass Doctor.  They repair glass like a doctor repairs humans. 

Needless to say, Johnny was bummed for the rest of class.  He had already started working on his Christmas List.

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