Thursday, May 20, 2010

Little Miss' Addiction

It's true.  Little Miss has an addiction, and she's not even two.  We've tried a 12 Step Program, but have been unsuccessful.  At this point we're not sure what to do, so she continues.  Here it goes.  I'm about to share it with the world.  Brace yourself...

Little Miss is addicted to her belly-button.  We can no longer put her in onesies or rompers.  She flips out.  She has to readily have access to her belly-button 24/7.  My mom seems to think it's her way of knowing she was connected to me, because if you know anything about Little Miss you know she is my personal accessory.  Meaning she is attached to me almost 24/7.  So I guess she has two and her belly-button.  Geez!  I'm now seeking therapy.


  1. I have Blair who is a thumb sucker and we have tried band-aids and the promise of ear piercing if she quits and nothing has worked so far. Good luck with her little belly button addiction. If you figure out anything you'll have to let me know.

  2. That is hilarious (to me, probably not to you). I have never heard of that one...she is so beautiful.
