Friday, May 21, 2010

Husband Bragging

Many of you read previously of my goal to run a half marathon this year.  Originally, I was going to run one on May 15th, but I didn't push myself or train as well as I needed to in order to complete the race.  I want to be able to run it start to finish without stopping (no walking). 

Steven, however, did complete the race.  Not only did he complete his first half marathon, but he placed 69th out of 588 runners, ran an 8:08 pace, and placed 11th in his age group.  I cannot tell you how proud the kids and I were to see him cross the finish line.  He finished super strong.  The man looked like he was completing a little one mile fun run.  Seriously.  Not kidding.  Just check out these pics from the end of the race.  He was about 50 yards from the finish line.

If any of you know Steven personally, you know he is super competitive.  When he looked at the results he saw that he could have made the Top 10 in his age group had he kicked it up by 42 seconds.  He was mad the rest of the evening.  I found it beyond amusing!

1 comment:

  1. LOl, that reminds me of how my husband would be. Great job to your hubby!
