Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Trees and Raisins

Family recipe time!  I love this one.  It is a perfect pair with grilled chicken...or hamburgers...or brats...or sandwiches.  Okay, so it's a perfect pair with anything!  Super easy to make and will be gone quickly. 

Trees and Raisins
1/2 cup mayo
2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 Tbsp sugar (we use Splenda)
2 broccoli crowns, chopped
1-2 snack boxes of raisins (depending on how much sweetness you want)
1/4 cup diced red onion
4-5 strips bacon, cooked and crumbled
  • In a large bowl, combine the first 3 ingredients.  Mix well, and taste test.  We like ours tangy-sweet, but others in my family like it overly sweet.  So depending on your taste buds adjust the flavor.
  • Stir the broccoli in the dressing mixture and coat well.
  • Add the remaining ingredients.  If you are not serving immediately, refrigerate.
Happy Cooking!


  1. We just had this last week with salmon patties. However, your name for it is much cuter than my "Broccoli Salad!"

  2. Funny! We call them trees also!
