Friday, April 16, 2010

Family Road Trip

Our family recently took a little road trip to Missouri to visit my grandparents and to attend my dad's ordination ceremony.  We had such a great time with our family that I wanted to share a few pictures with you.

My grandparents took us to their local park and let the kids feed the geese.  Little Man and Little Miss had a blast.  Mase did a great job throwing a few Cheerios out at a time, but Addie dumped out her whole bag in 2.5 seconds flat. 

Recently, my grandpa was released from the hospital.  He was such a the superstar at the park.  He and my grandma chased our kids all over.  When the kids took to playing at the playground, they sat down to rest.  I love this picture of them.  They have been married for over 60 years.  I am so thankful for the both of them!

The kids had a great time playing at the park.  Little Man is growing up so fast. 
He keeps me in shape by running all over the place.  The kid is fast.

Now Little Miss keeps me in shape too. 
She's fast.  She's fearless.  She's independent.
Here she is going down the big slide with no assistance.

Another prime example of Little Miss Fearless. 
You can't swing her high enough...

The next day, we loaded up and headed to a rural part of MO to see my dad get ordained as a pastor of a church.  We took Old Route 66 to get to the town.  It was really cool to see all the dilapidated buildings, and a life size cow mounted on top of someone's house.  However, the smells were not so cool.  Most of the land is currently farmland.  Farmland that was being fertilized with manure.  Let's just say by the time we got out of the car we were smelling our clothes to make sure they didn't absorb the funk.

Once we felt we were safe to allow people around us, we decided to walk around Main Street.  The town had some quaint little shops that just screamed, "Take a picture here, please!"  Who was I to deny these shops an opportunity to have some fine looking kids model in their store fronts?

After the service, we went to a little diner.  It was delicious, and the bonus part was it had a train in front of it.  I'm not sure if Little Man liked it or not.  You sure can't tell by his face!

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