Thursday, March 25, 2010

Target Gift Card Anyone?

It's a first here on Torres Tidbits!
Now it's no secret I love Target. You can snag some great deals there, so I thought it would be very fitting to give away a $15 gift card. Stack that with coupons and a sale and you should be able to walk out with a ton of free stuff!
Here's how you enter...
  • First, you have to take a picture of yourself as soon as you wake up in the morning. Then send it to me so I can post it on here. Just kidding!
  • All you have to do is LEAVE A COMMENT about what you like about Torres Tidbits (i.e. recipes, couponing, my crazy life...)! Whether I know you or not, just leave a comment and it will give you one entry. Become a follower of Torres Tidbits and you'll get an additional entry. Contest ends Friday, March 26th @ Midnight. Winner will be announced on Monday, March 29th!


  1. why not? i am always up for a free giveaway and may i mention i have NEVER WON ANYTHING before:)!! anyway...i love reading Torres Tidbits mostly because i read about your life and it makes me feel like my life is partly normal! i also love your food and can't wait to enjoy some in your new house come june!!!!

  2. I love your recipes and seeing the awesome deals you get with using your coupons! :) I'm slowing getting better at using coupons and your suggestions help me. Plus, your kiddos are super cute and I like reading about them.

  3. Yay, you know I love Target too! I have to say I love seeing your precious kids and your recipes. Plus I love your coupon tips. I need to be better about that.

  4. I enjoy so many things. You have inspired me to be such a better wife and mother by reading your posts. I am inspired by your dedication to your family and also your family's dedication to your church. I love reading your new recipes and have tried almost every one of them. My family loves that I actually cook now. I had never really cooked before your inspiring blog some time in August or September. I am now loving your couponing ideas and am going to try couponing out this summer and see how much I can save! My goal in the next couple of years is to become a stay at home mom as well. You are an inspiration to me and I am sure to many other ladies as well.

  5. Well, Angela here!! There are several reasons I like your blog. A) I just like to stalk you:) B) I love reading about your family and seeing all the blessings in your life. C) you are a very what seems to be a laid back mom who takes no time with her children for granted. and lastly, you have inspired me to start couponing. Joe looks at ziploc baggie full of coupons and he just rolls his eyes:)

    Ps) I do not have a google account so I cant 'follow' you.. correctly!

    But, hopefully I will still be in the running for the target GC!! YAY!

  6. just wanted to leave a comment about how pretty i think you are:)!!!!!!

  7. I love that you love your family and I use a lot of your recipes. Your "soapbox" post was my absolute fave! I was laughing about that for a week!! You're a funny girl Amanda!

  8. It's hard to say what I don't like about this blog--I really love it all--the recipes, the savings tips, the fact that you make couponing seem possible--the extreme couponers overwhelm me :)

  9. Valerie Edwards DobbsMarch 26, 2010 at 2:16 PM

    Here we go:
    1. Our boys have the same name and are the cutest boys in the world!
    2. I've made almost every recipe on your blog you've posted and all have turned out FAB!
    3. the sroies of things that go on in your household are awesome and I am preparing myself as best I can when I (in a short time) stay at home with TWO kids as well.
    4. Couponing is great....I love coupons and try to get the best deals I can constantly..with your help of course:)
    I could go on, but I don't wanna bore you, I wanna win!

    Thanks for the fun!

  10. I love how you share your everyday experiences as a stay-at-home mom. As a new SAHM, I struggle with things that family & friends say about moms who stay home and also about me not working (especially after being in college for 10 years & to not use my degree...although that is rather debatable as my RN experience has helped me immensely with motherhood). Also, I love how you post recipes & your couponing secrets (I have been a coupon addict since I started grocery shopping for my family back in high school!)! Keep it up, I look forward to reading what you have to say!

  11. Well, Well, Well... offer free money and see who flocks to your site right?!!!
    I just really love... you. That's all there is to it my dear. Love seeing Christ in your family and in your decisions. Love the recipes and kids pictures. Enjoy your posts so much!

  12. I just saw this -- a day late!!!! I haven't been on the computer hardly in two days. Rats :)

  13. Oh, man! Too late for me, too!
    I love checking in on your blog because I value your friendship and your blog is full of people and things that matter to you~so they matter to me, too! I have tried quite a few of your recipes~in fact I'm making peanut clusters AGAIN tonight~everyone loves them!
