Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Give a Camera to a Three Year Old

While I was fixing Little Miss' hair the other day, Little Man grabbed the camera and pretended to take pictures (or so I thought). When I got my disk to upload pictures, there were these two pics along with about fifty others! I have to say that I am completely impressed with his photog skills. I'm just going to add it to his list of things he does well...
  • sucks his thumb like a professional
  • can locate his silky blanket by smelling it
  • picks his nose
  • tattles on his sister and cousin
  • eats pb&j's like none other
  • AND...takes great pics

I'm thinking about starting up a resume for this kid!

Feel free to contact me if you like what you see. He's currently booking for summer sessions.


  1. Can we book a session?! I love seeing the world through their eyes.

  2. I need photog for a newborn session soon...will he be available? haha
