Friday, January 15, 2010

This Old House

  • This old house is where we learned what it took to be homeowner's.
  • This old house is where we learned what it took to be husband and wife.
  • This old house is where I learned how to mow a lawn (that only happened once).
  • This old house is where we brought home our first son.
  • This old house is where we brought home our first daughter.
  • This old house has served us well.
  • This old house is on the market to be SOLD.
We have patiently waited for this day to come and after much consideration, and a year of looking at other properties, we know it is time to move. Yes, I did just quit my job less than a year ago. However, we are not crazy...just blessed. Last year (before I quit), Steven and I knew we would need a bigger house to accommodate our growing family. We decided to believe God for the means to purchase a new home, because we knew there was no possible way for us to do it with our current funds. Little by little, God began to show us how to readjust some of our funds, and turned me on to the idea of couponing. All of those things gave us just enough extra money for the exact house we wanted.
SOOOOO, what's in store for this Torres Family. We are building. Steven and I go to meet with the builder tomorrow to sign the contract. We have picked out our lot, and are very excited about this next chapter of our lives. We look forward to sharing with you this journey we are about to undergo; including some of the scriptures we prayed, and how couponing has helped me.


  1. So exciting! Good luck with your selling and building! Looking forward to hearing how it is going.

  2. how exciting! where are you guys moving to?

  3. Building is so fun! You'll be busier than you ever thought you would be, but in the end you'll be so happy! Have fun and good luck on selling your house!
