Saturday, January 9, 2010

Have you ever read a book that has really challenged the way you think? I started Same Kind of Different As Me around Thanksgiving time, and I still can't get it off my mind. Everyone has their preconceived notions to how people become homeless, but have you really taken the time to see a homeless person as a person, and not a problem of society? Has the thought crossed your mind that just maybe all people crave healthy relationships? That a person is still a person regardless of their address or lack there of? These are all questions that have weighed on me heavily. I have come to realize that other than serving in my own church, I am not sowing into God's Kingdom by serving all types of people. This is not about serving so I'll feel better about myself, but to develop relationships with people that I would not normally turn to for friendship. To show love like Christ shows love, without the expectation of anything in return. I really challenge you to read this book. If anything, you will desire to become a more 'serving' individual instead of looking for ways to be served.

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