Saturday, January 30, 2010

Killer Donuts (literally)

So if you don't already have a recipe on homemade donuts that are sure to clog your arteries, I'm here to help. I first met these donuts when I was in second grade. It was love at first bite. I went home from school and told my mom she had to make more for me. Well, 20 some odd years later I finally made them for my family. It's really pretty simple, oh so tastey, and oh so bad for you. But, you only live once right?

Killer Donuts

1 roll of refrigerated biscuits
a ton of cooking oil
powdered sugar
  • In a deep fryer (I used an electric skillet), heat oil to frying temperature. You need enough oil to cover at least half of the biscuit.
  • While oil is heating, cut a circle out of the center of the biscuit. Cut out circle can be used for donut holes.
  • Place each biscuit in oil. Allow to cook until you see the bottom edges turn golden brown. Flip over, and allow the second side to brown.
  • Remove donuts from oil.
  • While donuts are cooling, Pour about a cup of powdered sugar in a bowl.
  • Slowly stir in milk until you get a thick icing consistency. If it's too runny, simply add more powdered sugar. If it's too thick, add more milk.
  • Dip each donut/donut hole, both side, in icing.
Eat, enjoy, clog your arteries. These aren't called Killer Donuts for nothing!
Happy Cooking!


  1. These are my favorite to make! I love making them with Cameron!! We used to make these all the time when we were kids with my mom. I have not tried the milk and powered sugar icing, will definitely have to try that. We just rolled them in sugar or powdered sugar but I like the idea of icing much better.
