Thursday, January 28, 2010


Right after I quit teaching, I decided to try out this whole coupon thing. I've always been a pretty frugal shopper, so the idea of saving money on things I already buy was really appealing to me. So, I started researching. I came up with a couple of blogs that helped me know what stores would allow me to save the most $, and where to get the best coupons.

This woman is amazing! Along with reading how to coupon, you MUST read her story on how they manage their finances. Crazy, I tell you. Absolutely crazy. In a good way!

Coupon Gal!

Another great site to research how to coupon. At Christmas, she also posted some unbelievable deals on gifts.
Another fabulous site that lists the best deals at many different stores, along with high value coupons. She specifically lists out how and what coupons to use to get the most for your $.
There you have it. My secret weapons to couponing. Now, this isn't for everybody. It takes some time to plan. However, if you're trying to find some extra cash in your budget, this is a good way to go. In 6 months, I've shaved $300/month off our grocery/tolietry/cleaning supply bill. It's a wonderful feeling!


  1. It's so amazing how much money you can save with coupons and a little effort! Those blogs are 2 of my favorites!! It's incredible how well they do and I hope I can do half as good as that someday! Even O is amazed by it, before the coupons come off at checkout I can see him sweating, haha! I think of all the money spent before them and it is sickening!

  2. allright Missy...I have finally checked out your blog. Now you have to share where you shop in B.A. to save so much money.

  3. You have changed my life girlfriend! My favorite part of your blog is the couponing!! Thanks for inspiring me!
