Saturday, November 7, 2009

Little Man Turns THREE!

I was excited when Mason turned one. We had survived his first year of life despite his first time parents. When he turned two, we were excited for all the changes that would come with him being a new big brother. Now that he's three, I'm saddened. He's getting WAY too big, WAY too fast. All parents say that, but you cannot fully understand what they mean until your baby turns into a toddler...a preschooler...elementary student...middle schooler...UGH!

Even though my heart hurt seeing my little man turn three, I was also very excited. This is the first year he has really understood the concept of birthdays and parties. We started his birthday off right with some # 3 pancakes (the 3 is backwards in the pic. it was early. i was tired). He was so excited to blow out candles. Truth be told, he had candles with every meal. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. I have pictures of all of those, but I'll spare you!

We had Mason's party tonight with family and Mason's closest friends. He was so excited that Graci and Logan were coming to HIS party. He stood by the front window waiting for them to arrive. It was so cute.

Here are some of the pics from his party...
I have to do a little husband bragging here. I asked Steven to take care of the cake for the party. He did a great job finding a cake place called Icing on the Top. Then he took the owl stamp I used for Mase's invitations for them to use on the cake. His party was a fall theme, and here's what they came up with. I looooooooved it! It was beyond yummy too!
Since Mase's friends were coming, I decided to have them make some owl cupcakes. The kids did such a great job making theirs. It was so adorable to watch them try to make it the best they could, and they were SO tempted to eat all the little pieces.
Mason doing a little cheating off Lauren's cupcake.
I going to justify it as collaboration, not cheating.
His finished product. I was proud. He did it all by himself! Iced it and all. As you can tell he did a little icing test tasting on his own.
Blowing out his candles.
Mason, Graci, and Logan enjoying some yummy cake.
Mason got LOTS of really cool gifts this year, but the one his father is most excited about is the remote control car. Steven spent most of the evening playing with it while Mason was distracted with his other toys. Here he is with his Papi teaching him what to do.
Graci and Mason. Are they not so gotta eat them up cute?
Thank you to everyone who made Mason's birthday so special!
We love each and every one of you.


  1. He is SO precious!! I totally understand what you mean about growing up so fast. And way to go dad, he did an awesome job picking out the cake. I have heard of the icing on top, but didn't know anyone who has used them.

  2. I can't believe Mason is 3!!! I love that you made him a "3" pancake for breakfast and also celebrated at each meal with a candle. You and I think alike; I like to go "all out" and make my family feel special on their birthdays. I LOVE the cake, the leaf crackers, the fall theme, and the owl cupcakes. You definitely made your little boy's party extra special! :)

  3. Beautiful boy, beautiful family, beautiful party! Happy Birthday to Mason!
    (He'll always be your 'baby' even as he's getting into new things~cool stuff ahead!)

  4. Icing on the Top is the best. They did my Wedding Cake and all other cakes I have ever needed. Jennifer, the owner, is the sweetest lady. Steven choose a great place.

  5. So cute! What a great idea for a number pancake, too!. And I am way impressed with the leaf crackers and Steven's cake! Can I call you guys to plan and prep for Caroline's third bday? :)
