Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween & Fall Festival

This past weekend was jam packed with some good ol fashion family F-U-N. It started with my nephew's first birthday party. It was at a local inflatable games place. Mase had a blast. We got so busy playing with all the kids that we didn't take any pictures. Oh well, glad we were IN the moment instead of taking pics.

After the party we rushed home for naps and got everything ready for trick-or-treating. Our good friends and old neighbors came by for dinner. The kids all looked so cute in their costumes and had a blast together. Here's some pics from the evening in no particular order...
Our Little Handyman
(very suiting since he fixed my camera)
Everytime Mason went to a door he said, "Trick or treating." I'm thinking something got lost in translation when explaining what to do.
Mase and Shaeli getting their trick-or-treat on.

Love the scruffy beard.
Mindy and I waiting on the kids (and Matthew too).
Our little Snow White.

Fall Festival at Camp Dry Gulch USA

Sunday evening we loaded up and went to Dry Gulch for the first ever Fall Festival. We all had so much fun. It was amazingly beautiful out there. I was super bummed when the camera died within the first 10 minutes of being there. C'est la vie!

Mase so stoked to ride the carousel.
Addie really enjoyed the ride too.
Daddy and Mason enjoying the ride.


  1. You have such a beautiful family! Okay, I am thinking we attend the same church.

  2. Woah...I didn't recognize Mindy with dark hair! She looks great...as do you and the kids. Mason's beard is perfect!
