Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I was walking through Wal-mart when -GASP- I spotted the school supplies. Now to most, school supplies are exciting, but to teachers it's a sign of the stress to come. I have to admit it got me. My heart started palpitating and a little sweat beads were forming on my temples. I took a deep breath, turned down the aisle, and contemplated how many school supply sets I should buy to start the school year. About twenty -five kids per class. Two classes. At least five kids who wouldn't have all their supplies per class. Then it hit me. School supplies don't apply to me anymore. I lit out from that aisle with such relief.

When I got home I spent a lot of time thinking about all the kids I have served over the seven years that I taught fourth grade. The fun projects, life changes that I witnessed, families I became apart goes on and on.

I wasn't quite sure how I would handle 'going back to school' when I wouldn't be the one going back to school. Honestly, I'm at such peace. My life is abundantly overflowing. I have two wonderful children that God has blessed me with, and I have the opportunity to be apart of every second of their day. I get to witness and kiss every boo-boo. I get to celebrate in every accomplishment. I get to be Mama all day. Not Mrs. Torres, but Mama.

I will return to teaching someday, but now I will relish in my own children. There is a season for everything. The season to plant the seed in my own children is now. Other children will have to wait until next season.


  1. amen! i couldn't be happier for you!

  2. Absolutely beautiful thoughts Amanda! Couldn't put it any better myself! I'm so happy for you and know you must be so excited to sit around in your pajamas all day if you so choose!

  3. I am so excited for you and for your kiddos, I know they will love having their mommy home with them everyday.
