Friday, July 24, 2009

Getting BIG

Okay, so Addie's not big. In fact she's little. Recently we went to her 9 month check up. Every time we go to the doc I think, "This will be the time she hits the 15 lb mark." Well, she still hasn't hit it. She's a whopping 14 lbs 12 oz. 5th percentile for the weight, and 75th for the height...long and lean (not a fan of the skinny word).

Even though Little Miss is tiny, she's doing BIG things. I still think of her as so little, so I'm always amazed at the stuff she does. We were at the pool the other day and she can touch the bottom. She walked all over that baby pool and jumped up and down forever. Laughing the whole time. She loves being in the water and around other kids. I think she's running away from Mason in the pic below. He was trying to dump some water on her head because she looked hot. Such a great big bro. She managed to escape, and then decided it was time for a snack. The Cheerios were calling her name..."AAAAADDDDIIIIIIEEEE..."

Mason got this car when he was one. He still plays with it. Loves it in fact. Every morning when we have playtime outside he always says, "Mama, I want tricycle y four-wheeler y car." (he's really trying to say 'and', but it sounds Spanish so I'll just say my kid's biligual). Anyway, back to my original story, my mom was over and put Addie in it. Mason turned to see Grammy pushing her down the street and I thought Mase was going to freak out that sister was in his mode of transportation. He didn't. Instead he started clapping and smiled the most precious smile. Ran over to her and gave her a big kiss, and told her she was a little guy doing big guy things (from the book Hey! Wake Up by Sandra Boyton). I'm always so surprised by his love for her. He gets excited when she does something new, and tells her she looks pretty. I wonder how long that's going to last?

1 comment:

  1. Haha!! If we put our youngest together we'd get an average child!! My youngest is generally in the 95—98% for both height and weight! I suppose at least she's proportionate. But still, the kid needs to learn how to walk! We're close. Fairly confident stander who is turning 1 at the end of the month. Not too much longer!! (fingers crossed and prayers going up. . .)

