Friday, October 17, 2008

Lincoln or Addie?

As you can see Lindsay is still preggo, so it must be ours. I thought it was funny that she 'fits' a little better in pictures with her Aunt Lindz and Uncle Ne. A little odd to see the blondies (Mason and I) with Addison, but she sure does fit with Daddy!

Addison was born October 15th at 9:09am. I was supposed to be induced at 8:00am, but she decided she wanted to pick her own birthday! Contractions started around 3:30 am, and by the time we got to the hospital I was HURTING! They sure do come on strong with the 2nd child. I did however get the epidural in enough time to rest for about an hour before she was born. She was easy on the delivery part...three easy pushes and she was out! She weighed 6lbs 12oz and was 20 inches long.
We are all doing just fine...Steven and I a little sleep deprived from our first night home, but Mason had no problems sleeping through the crying! He loves his little sister very much and is so sweet with her. I'll post more pics later.


  1. CONGRATS!!!! She is BEAUTIFUL and I am LOVING the bow!!!!! I am so happy for you get some rest!!

  2. Congrats...when linz called me that a.m. I was certain she was calling to tell me they were on their way to the hospital for Lincoln...not Addison. That sure was quick...isn't the 2nd one so much easier to get out? Anyway, congrats, she's beautiful. Hope to see you soon!

  3. Congratulations! She's beautiful! We're so happy for you guys. You're a sweet family :)

  4. Congrats!!!! What a beautiful girl (and what a cute bow!)

  5. Congrats! Glad delivery was speedy!! Enjoy your new family of 4! She's beautiful!

  6. I have been anxiously awaiting this post. She is absolutely adorable (like I knew she would be) and I love the bow. The bigger the better! Hope all is well and that you get some sleep soon.

  7. Addie is absolutely perfect and adorable!! I LOVE the bow! Too cute!! I'm so thankful you had a smooth labor and delivery, and now you have a precious baby girl to show for it. Congrats!!

  8. Oh my gosh, she's here! She is precious in the pictures and I'm sure even MORE in person. Congrats to you four! We'll be praying for an easy transition @ home the next several weeks! Love to you all...
