Sunday, October 19, 2008

Addison's First Few Days.

My Beautiful Baby Girl

Life is GOOD! Steven and I love our family of four. It has been a very smooth transition so far. Much smoother than bringing Mason home. I think we are a lot more prepared this go 'round. Addie however, does not like her crib too much. She will sleep in it, but not very long. We are definitely working on that! Below are a few more pics of our new addition, and her loving big bro.Proud Daddy

I love her black hair! She looks funny with me, but fits perfectly with her daddy!

Mason LOVES his sister. He gives her at least 50 kisses a day!

Mason's was all about his sister at the hospital...look at those cheesy grins!


  1. What a sweet girl!! That is the biggest bow I have ever seen!! LOL Mason looks adorable!! Congratulations!

  2. Congratulations!! Glad to hear that Mason loves his little sister! One day they will love playing together. Hope you get some rest. :)

  3. Oh my gosh Amanda she is perfect! Glad things went well and that you are all doing good. I hope she grows to simply adore her big brother and that they become good friends.

  4. She is so cute. I love the picture of her and Mason, it's a great contrast. I think she kind of looks like him but with black hair.

  5. Congratulations! That first picture could be the biggest bow I have ever seen. How funny to have such a blond and then a dark headed baby girl. So excited for you - she is beautiful!

  6. Love the pictures and LOVE the bow as well! I'm sure you're enjoying putting bows on her head now w/ a Lil' Miss @ home. I love how he enjoys giving her kisses...what a good sign! Congrats to you all!

  7. What a beautiful baby girl! I love the bow, and I love all the sweet pictures. I hope you are feeling well and getting some rest. I've been thinking about you a lot!!
