Sunday, June 29, 2008

Working at the Car Wash

Despite all the hard work you see here, we had a very enjoyable weekend as a family. This was the first weekend in about two weeks that we have all been together. So today, we had our usual Sunday breakfast, then we loaded up to go to the park. We first took a walk and Mason pointed out all the birdies, squirrels, and trees. After our walk, we crossed the street to go to the play area. He had a blast going down the slides and climbing up and down all the steps. After about an hour of playing we headed home for naptime. Little man was TIRED!

Once Mason woke up we had lunch outside and Mason helped Daddy wash both of the cars. He thinks he's so big now and wants to help with whatever task Steven and I are doing. It's quite cute. Here are some of the car wash photos. Steven and Mason are thinking of opening their own detail business so watch out!

Supervising to make sure Daddy does it to his standards.
Spot cleaning the truck bed.


  1. Hello TFamily!

    I was just reading my comments and I thought maybe you had a blog and sure enough... Tidbits popped up!
    I love all the pics, you are truly blessed by the Lord.
    Looking forward to passing along cute baby girl stuff : )

  2. Sounds like you had a fun family day! The pics of Mason and Steven washing the cars are so cute!
