Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hunters and Gatherers

In early Native American history there were the hunters and the gatherers. As I watched Mason and Kate play this morning I couldn't help but think they would have done very well during the early 1500's. Neither one was interested in playing with the toys I had brought outside for them. They both took to finding sticks to use as weapons and when their hunt for tree ants was finished, they starting their gathering of various objects. Eventually the Native Americans who didn't adapt to change and/or farming died out. Let's just be thankful there was a kitchen withing 100 feet of their whole adventure. PB &J's were only a cry away.

The hunt begins...
(Good thing the pack dog was within calling distance. It looks like they've gathered a lot)
Making sure they don't miss anything...
Can I have that PB&J now?

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