Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Menu Monday...Or Some Version Of It

It's been a really long time since I have typed our weekly menu.  I meal plan for each week.  It helps keep our grocery bill under control and keeps my mind from stressing each day on what to feed the children. Seriously.  If I don't meal plan, there is a Feed the Children campaign that instantly begins at my house.  Children laying on the floor writhing in pain from stomach cramps.  They are dying.  Dying from starvation.  You know, because they JUST ate 2 hours ago!

If they only knew...

So, I meal plan.  It keeps my sanity.  Here are some options for you this week or to file away.  Generally, these are fast meals because, like the rest of America, we are on the go.  Plus, cooking with a baby on your hip and a 3 year old racing cars under your feet, all the while helping two older kids with homework is a job in and of itself.  Just typing that out made me exhausted.  It's a glamorous life up in here!

Veggie Loaded Spaghetti
Fast Tips:  I usually have ground turkey cooked, seasoned and frozen so I can toss it in the fridge to thaw and then dump it in the spaghetti.  Veggies are pre cut as well.  Toss in and boil noodles.

Make It Clean: Swap out regular noodles for Gluten Free.  Most GF options are made with corn or white potato. Neither of those are good choices for you.  We opt for brown rice pasta. A lot of my clients opt for quinoa pasta. Both great choices.

Greek Tacos
Fast Tips: This one is pretty fast itself. Less than 20 minute cook time.  However, pre-cooking and seasoning your beef will speed it up.

Make It Clean: Grass fed beef is the way to go or swap out for free range ground turkey.  Serve over brown rice chips, or use a brown rice tortilla.  This dish, I don't skip the feta. It makes it so yummy!!!

Southwestern Quinoa Salad 
Fast Tips: This can be made 1-2 days ahead of time.  Often times I buy a rotisserie chicken from Sprouts or Whole Foods to shred the meat.  The recipe doesn't call for chicken, but we LOVE it.

Make It Clean: Organic non-GMO corn is the way to go or skip it altogether.

Honey Lime Chicken Skewers
Fast Tips: Pre-marinade and throw it on the grill.

Make It Clean: Substitute Bragg's Liquid Aminos for soy sauce, coconut oil for vegetable oil, and use a raw local organic honey.

Hopefully, these four items help you out a bit.  And, just to keep it real, we'll be hitting up Chick-fil-a this week too.  Holla if you love some CFA!!!!

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