Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Menu Monday...on Tuesday

Helloooooo Summer!  Just when you think we have come through and Oklahoma summer unscathed, it turns to hotter than Hades temps.  HOLY SMOKES!!!  We spent Sunday with our church section and Tulsa Homeless Outreach passing out needs and talking with the homeless in the heat.  After standing on the hot pavement for an hour, I have a burden for those living on the streets or living without A/C.

In the comfort of my own home, I hydrated all day so me and my preggers self would be in tip top shape to serve in the 100+ degree temps.  Once we get out to our meeting location, I see 3...THREE...pregnant women who were living on the streets.  Absolutely heartbreaking.  One woman in particular had no idea how far along she was, but was as big around as I am.  As soon as I began asking questions, she jetted.  I can't get her face, demeanor, and baby out of my mind.  Which leaves me with a burdened heart, and that's not a bad thing.  With a burdened heart, you no longer walk through your own life thinking about yourself and your problems and your issues and your to-do's.  You just can't.  Life just can't go on the same.  You can't look at these faces month after month and NOT think about how you can do your life different so they can know a better life.



{Billy...he thought he had me beat in the belly region}

These 3 men have stories.  Stories that may shock you.  Dwayne and Garland are actually not homeless now.  They have transitioned to apartment living.  However, their apartments are NOT what you and I would consider acceptable living.  Dwayne often refers to his apartment as the Dungeon.  In my opinion, that is a generous description.  Yep, life cannot go on business as usual anymore.
So here we are on Tuesday and I typically would have a menu posted, but thoughts were elsewhere.  BUT, I have it today.

Monday-Does it even really matter now?
Tuesday-Taco Salad served over Spicy Roasted Chickpeas and Watermelon
Wednesday-Coconut Chicken, Roasted Broccoli, Sweet Potatoes
Thursday-Grilled Chicken Salad and Croissants
Friday-Pizza Bread
Saturday-Dinner Out
Sunday-Burgers, Brats, and all things grilled.

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