Thursday, July 17, 2014

Beyond Ridiculous

Let's start with the most ridiculous event from the week.  My SEVEN pound weight gain in ONE week.  Not month...WEEK!  That's not normal.  Arbonne has literally saved my hiney because staying strictly clean (eating fresh, whole foods) has let 4 of those pounds go and I feel myself again.  The other 3 pounds I am going to chalk up to this ridiculous stomach growing.

I noticed on our vacation the belly was getting out there.  Bending over now is accompanied with grunting.  What I didn't realize was when I returned to boot camp, the belly was in the way.  Step ups?  Uh, the knee doesn't goes as high.  At first I thought, "What the heck?  What is my leg hitting?"  Then I realized, "Dang it!  It's the baby.  When did this happen?" 

Next up burpees.  At this point, my heifer in heat breathing had already kicked in and I was quickly reminded how pregnant I am right now.  I started out with a wide stance so I could actually squat down.  It wasn't wide enough.  It got so ridiculous, that my best friend and fitness trainer says, "Seriously, Amanda?"
I guess it was that bad.  I need to get this on video.  I love to laugh and laughing at myself is my favorite past time.  If I do get it on camera, you can bet I will post it for you!

Anyway, I got home, sat on the back porch with my protein shake, and had my quiet time.  I mention my protein shake because I was able to sit it on my stomach and it stayed there as I read my devotion.  When it came time for journaling, I removed my cup to replace it with my journal.  Ridiculous.  20 weeks and my stomach is already my table.  Never.  NEVER have I had a table at 20 weeks.  That is why #4 is the last baby.  Talk about table top at conception if there were to be a fifth.  Can you imagine?

And just in case you are thinking, "She's exaggerating!"  I have proof.  This was me on Monday morning after I realized how much I had popped out.

Photo: This belly and burpees make for an interesting morning workout. Thank you Erica Bolton McMullen and F.I.T Bootcamp for kicking my booty today. 

Beyond ridiculous!

So in all that you do today, be reminded that your stomach is NOT this big!

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