Monday, May 19, 2014

Menu Monday

It's the clean version.  No really.  I mean that literally.  We're strictly eating clean this week.  After mini vacay after mini vacay our systems are dying for some whole foods.  Like every color of the rainbow is going in my shake!

Here's what we're chowing on for dinner...

Monday-Grilled Tilapia, Roasted Asparagus, Berry Salad
Tuesday-Turkey Chili and Salad
Wednesday-Grilled Chicken and Peppers with Brown Rice
Thursday-Veggie Spaghetti and Roasted Green Beans
Friday-Lettuce Wrap Tacos, Veggies and Jalapeno Hummus
Saturday-Turkey Burgers and Sweet Potato Fries
Sunday-Dinner with Family

This week is my most favorite week.  It's the LAST week of school for Little Man and Little Miss!!!  Sweet, sweet summertime.  Bring on the tan babes, white booties, and scents of sunscreen.  I also purchased a new swimsuit to cover my...booty.  Yes, I bought a skirt.  Not covering the belly, just the backside.  Both grow to proportions of unrealistic value, but at least the stomach is expected to grow.  Plus, I like a little shock factor.  Our recent trip to Great Wolf Lodge proved to be quite interesting...

Is that lady pregnant or does she just like to drink...A LOT???

What can I say?   I like to keep people on their toes ;) 

1 comment:

  1. I went to Great Wolf Lodge in KC with my mom when I was oh 30 to 32 weeks pregnant. Wore a two piece baring the belly. Apparently it was getting a lot of looks but I didn't care. It was a cute belly!
