Monday, May 12, 2014

Blessed to Burdened

First off, watch this...

(If I were ultra techy I would totally know how to show the video on here, but I'm not so you get the link)

I watched this and my heart strings were a singing.  Thinking of all my babies, my mom and all the sacrifices it takes to be a mom.  I celebrated this day with my kids, all three that are healthy and strong, with my mom and mother-in-law. and my husband.  I celebrated this day with people who love and cherish me.  I celebrated this day with people I love and cherish.  But...

But, as I watched the video I went from blessed to burdened.  I celebrated while my friends and complete strangers longed, cried, wished, hoped, prayed, and tried to survive the day.  I hurt for them.  

So for all my friends who celebrated this day without your mom.  I spent time praying and remembering the special memories you have shared.  Your mom was precious, and I am thankful for the person they produced in you.

For all my friends who have a baby and child waiting for you in Heaven, I prayed for you.  I don't even have the words to comfort you, but I prayed for Jesus to be right there with you in the way that He knows you need.  I cannot even comprehend your hurt or longing, but tears pour out for you.

For all my friends working towards bringing home your baby from an orphanage or hospital, I prayed for your day and your child.  I believe with you that your child will be in your arms soon.  

For so many Mother's Day is the most looked forward day of the year.  We focus on the gifts, the spoiling, the rest, the excitement.  Although I enjoyed all of those things,  I cannot go on with my Mother's Day without letting those moms and daughters know I love you.  I leave you with my friend's post on Facebook.  I admire her for her strength through the trial and pain.  She is an inspiration to cherish the moments.  Even the ones where you want to pull your hair out. 


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