Thursday, April 24, 2014

Well, Hello There!

Holy buckets!  The stomach bug hit our house with a vengeance.  No bueno for Casa de Torres!  We are all on the mend, but if I never have to hear, see, or smell diarrhea again, I will be one happy lady.

I do have non-digusting news to share with you.  In fact, I have LOTS of it!

Easter weekend was so super special for our family.  First off, our oldest made the decision to be baptized.  This caught me totally off guard, but he was ready.  His heart and mind were in the right place and he made a very grown up decision.  All the thankfulness in the world could not even begin to encapsulate my love for his school and church.  They have partnered with us in every step of this parenting journey.  We are also thankful for the family that came out to support him.  We have a tremendous family as you can see!


My next best news is the Tulsa Homeless Outreach.  It was such a success I don't even have words for it.  A huge shout out to my friends Brandon and Shanna Parker for smoking 150+lbs of meat and beans for this day.  Every person left stuffed and had leftovers.  I could not have asked for anymore on this day.  Full force love shown to people.  Over and over I kept hearing, "What church are you with that so many people would do this?"  The most beautiful part was sharing we all came from different churches and backgrounds, but our common theme was we wanted people to know that we care...Jesus cares...for you.  It was a beautiful, beautiful day.  Stay tuned for another blog post on what we are partnering with Tulsa Homeless Outreach for next month, but for now here are some update photos...

{The Chef}

{The cutie pie dessert servers}

{Most of the food line servers were kids.  The stood for over an hour dishing out deliciousness}

{Even the Easter Bunny came}

This last picture is my most cherished picture ever.  It makes me cry.

Ted came back, and I was able to pass along the shoes I had been waiting to give him.  He was so blown away at the steel toed boots he offered to come to my house and fix anything that needed fixin'.  He shook my hand and hugged me about 5,000 times.  It was the most perfect ending to a beautiful day.  This moment right here was icing on the cake! Hopefully, he comes back next month sporting his new kicks!

I know this is such a short overview to an awesome weekend.  But like I said, I cannot even begin to express what Easter Weekend was like for our family.  I only hope that you can catch a glimpse from the pics.  I would also like to invite you to come experience this in person.  There are so many people who just need someone to listen to them.  You can be that person!

Now, this is totally unrelated, but you are going to want to come back next week.  I have a HUGE announcement to make that will have you face down on the ground.  You may even stay there for a couple of days in a surprised coma.  You know me, I love to surprise you!

1 comment:

  1. I like how you can barely see Colton's head behind the green box. We can't wait to help again next month!
