Monday, April 7, 2014

Menu Monday

I don't want to sound like an overachiever or anything, but here I am with a menu.  Heeeeey!  I need a sign...


This is so true.  Earlier on Sunday afternoon while getting a pedicure, I decided to write out my menu.  I believed I could, and lookie where that landed me.  So if you see me today, it's okay to give me a 'Well Done Good and Faithful Servant' pat on the back.  

As I bask in the light of my overachieving spirit of doing what I used to always do...and then I started slacking...I leave you with our weekly menu.

Monday-Turkey Chili and Salad
Tuesday-Italian Turkey Sausage Spaghetti, Roasted Green Beans, Toasted Udi's Bread
Wednesday-Grilled Chicken, Veggies and Brown Rice
Thursday-Out to dinner...BASEBALL!
Friday-BBQ Chicken, Trees and Raisins, Sweet Potatoes
Saturday-Sandwiches and Fresh Fruit and Veggies
Sunday-Dinner at Mom's

And I don't want to excite you or anything, but I have another blog post in the works this week about a splinter in my foot.  This is riveting news her folks!

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