Monday, March 24, 2014

Menu Monday

I fully intended to post our shenanigans from Spring Break last week, but one shenanigan after another led me to leaving the computer alone.  Not to mention I'm rocking a 2006 Dell laptop that is still kicking.  Firing this bad boy up takes a least 10 minutes.  It's probably time for a new computer, but I am waiting for this thing to DIE!

So our week last week kicked off with Little Miss' first ever slumber party with my best childhood pal's girls.  It was so much fun to help out with the Spa Night.  I will totally steal this idea for a party in the future!
Just look at these cutie pies...

The next morning we woke the boys early to grab donuts, get Little Miss and head out of town for Branson, MO with friends.  We were quite the lucky ducks to get great weather on Saturday and then watch a beautiful snowfall on Sunday.  Lovely!


We even ran into Little Man's friend from school and church.  He was so pumped to ride a ride with him.

I'll spare you the rest of our photo dump until later this week.  We had such a great time together during Spring Break it makes it that much more difficult to let them loose at school again.

Here's my menu for the week!

Monday-Honey Mustard Chicken, Grilled Veggies and Brown Rice
Tuesday- Crispy Southwest Wraps, Guacamole and Brown Rice Chips
Wednesday-Veggie Spaghetti and Salad
Thursday-Creamy Enchiladas, Mexi rice, Corn
Friday-Fend for Yourself Night...Mama's gone to a retreat!
Saturday-Sandwiches, Fresh Veggies, Fruit Bowl
Sunday-Dinner @ Mama's

Hope you have a great week!  Better yet, make someone else's week great!


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