Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Chubby Cheekers Turns 2


 This little guy has rocked our world.  The little guy we never knew we needed.  He's spunky and fun and feisty and driven and passionate and goofy and brilliant. He's our icing on the cake...triple layer of icing at that.  

 It's really amazing to think about you being so little.  Time flies by.  You've always been the one to do things early.  You never went through the 'hang on the blanket' stage.  You've always been moving and grooving.  Makes me wonder what amazing feats in life you will tackle.  You've already tackled so many.

Life without you would be less of everything.  Less enjoyable, less busy, less laughter, less cleaning up, less craziness, but I wouldn't change any part of it.  You were born to be an entertaining leader.  Someone who sticks to his guns, is passionate, with a flare of funny.  You're my kind of guy.

Chubby Cheekers, even though your mother is wishing you a Happy Birthday 3 weeks late, it is no indication of our love for you.  You are the spice to our life.  Without you we would laugh a little less and have a super clean house.  And guess what???  Clean houses are overrated, but laughter is not.  

We love you, Chubby Cheekers.

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