Friday, January 31, 2014

Rhea Lana of South Tulsa~CONSIGN NOW!!!


It's that time of year to clear out your closets, prepare for Spring and earn some CASH!  I'm not talking about garage saling. I'm talking about consigning.  With consigning you set your prices (Rhea Lana even gives you suggestions to get your items moving off the racks and shelves), and make 70% of your sales!  70%!!!  That's the highest percentage of any other sale in this area.  Plus, there are options to make 75% or even 80% of your sales through referrals.  You refer 3 new consignors with at least 15 items, then you get 75% of your sales.  Refer 5 and get 80%.  Simple as that!

Now if you're thinking I don't have time for this, let me ask you to reconsider.  Especially, if you enjoy serving.  Did you know consigning allows you to help others?  It's such a win-win situation.  You clear out what you no longer need and earn cash.  Then later someone else comes along and snatches up your great brands and deals.  You get cash, they get great deals.  How can this go wrong for you?

It can't.

So now that you are fully convinced of making the most of your resources, then here's how you get started.  
  • Visit Rhea Lana of South Tulsa's website.
  • Click on 'Consign' on the far right pink menu bar.
  • Click on 'Sign up to consign'.
  • Fill out the info.
  • Then check out the Merchandise Prep and Pricing Points section.
It really spells everything out nicely for you!  From items you'll need to prepare your goods, all the way to getting them to the store and checking your sales LIVE.

If you have any questions, the owners of Rhea Lana South Tulsa go above and beyond for customer service.  Not to mention, you can always ask me!  I would love to help you.

***If you are going to consign for the first time with 15+ items, and you heard about this from me, I would LOVE to be your referral!  You know me...always watching the pennies :)

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