Monday, December 30, 2013

Get Your Serve On

Man those holidays sure flew by us.  We had an amazing Christmas.  Baking and spending time with family always keeps us feeling full.  Each year the kids look forward to the traditions.  Packing boxes for Operation Christmas Child, making sugar cookies, the annual Gingerbread Houses, going to Christmas Train, attending Celebrate Christmas at our awesome church, and just hanging out with our loved ones.  Just in case you're visual I've got some classic Torres photos for ya!

{You ask for 'cheese' and this is what you get around here} 

{A little gingerbread house making a lotta of double fisting candy to mouths}

 {Good 'ol family photo with Santa.  Apparently, Chubby Cheekers was naughty this year)

 {Christmas Dinner with best friends cousins}

{Table for two for the babes doing what they do best...weird stuff}

{Chubby Cheekers learned very quickly you can't drink Santa's milk}

As you can see we had fun.  We also spent more time looking for opportunities to serve throughout November and December.   That really prompted some thinking of what I want our 2014 to look like. 
Honestly, it's really sad that 90% of our kind gestures are focused around Thanksgiving and Christmas. We give and help when we see needs, but lately I'm seeing a pattern of helping when the need is in front of our faces instead of being intentional about serving.

Not 2014.  It's going to be the year of INTENTION.  Each month we are going to be focused on one serving opportunity, and I hate to say it but we're starting off a little small.  Our UPS guy and postal lady were killing themselves over the holiday season.  So for the month of January, we are going to spoil the service workers in our community.  Little care packages set out just for them.   Nothing difficult, but a good way for the kids to see how little acts can really bless someone.  I have lots of friends who are joining us on this challenge, so feel free to follow along with us.  As many people we can bless the better.  Offering more opportunities to shine His light.  

If you were in search of Menu Monday, I am so sorry!  I spent a good part of last week putting together a 4 week meal plan and shopping list.  It was enough to make me want to run from menus for a couple of weeks!

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