Monday, December 9, 2013

Can You Say, "Sick?": Menu Monday

I love all the seasons.  I love the opportunity to experience them all.  The snow and ice for us, has been welcomed.  All the movies and snuggling and baking and more snuggling and napping and playing has been just what the doctor ordered.  What the doctor didn't order is a big fat stomach ache.

My mind and wants went to comfort foods this week.  Aye, aye, aye.  Pioneer Woman Cinnamon Rolls, oven baked fried chicken, mashed potatoes, peppermint mochas, peanut M&Ms, popcorn, I could go on and on.  My stomach is full of junk and I feel like junk.  Junk that even peppermint and dandelion tea can't take away. 

I'm not one to never indulge.  I like little treats here and there, but when you turn here and there to a full on 48 hour binge...there's a problem!  So here's to better choices this week.  Snow or no snow!

Monday-Steven's Birthday Dinner
Tuesday-Salmon with Avocado Salsa, Brown Rice, and Grilled Veggies
Wednesday-Butternut Squash and Black Bean Enchilada Skillet, Berry Bowl
Thursday-Roasted Whole Chicken, Baked Sweet Potato, Green Beans
Friday-Salad Bar Night
Saturday-Christmas Train!!!
Sunday-Veggie Spaghetti

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