Thursday, November 14, 2013

Little Man Turns 7

Last week our oldest turned seven.  I really can't believe the years go by so fast.  Wasn't I just in the hospital working with the lactation consultant last week?  The same consultant that reached right over and squeezed my boob without warning--that's another story entirely--point is, time goes by too fast.

On his actual day all Little Man wanted to do was eat at Texas Roadhouse so he could sit on the saddle while everyone wished him Happy Birthday.  He had this planned back in June.  For months he would mention how excited he would be to sit in the saddle. He got his wish.  Still cracks me up.


The things kids come up with.  He was so pumped to go sit on this saddle he opted to miss out on First Wednesday service...which he LOVES...which we love, but it was his day and we were celebrating him.

We continued his festivities during the weekend.  On Sunday we wrangled 13 boys in our backyard for another year of a Chicago Bears Football Combine party.  Yes, the exact same party as last year.  Makes planning a breeze. Thank you Little Man for simplifying the birthday planning process.  I think this could work well into your 30's for sure.

Seeing the joy on his face melts me.  More so because I know this child's heart.  He is compassionate and has a heart for helping others.  And, I have a story just about that.  I promise it does tie into his birthday, so stay with me.

A month ago or so, we received the Samaritan's Purse Gift Catalog.  If you aren't familiar with the gift catalog, I encourage you to search it out.  It is like no other catalog. You will be humbled.  

Little Man and I were looking through the catalog during Fall Break while everyone else was napping.  We went through each page and read all the ways to give.  As we were reading, he was circling every opportunity to give.  No matter the amount, he circled it.  It was hard to explain why we weren't able to give for every area, so we picked out the ones that were near and dear to his heart.  He chose to purchase baby chicks for families, milk for babies, blankets for the homeless, and sports equipment for children in third world countries.

When it came time to count the money in his piggy bank he was short $10.  He cleared out his entire piggy bank without hesitation.  He gave it all.  We covered the rest of his choices, and picked up some other items that we wanted to gift.  

The amount he gave was quite a lot for a 7 year old boy.  I can't remember the last time I gave every DIME I had, yet he gave it all without a bat of an eye.  He melts me.

Bring it back to his birthday.  He received so much cash from friends and family, his piggy bank is well stashed again.  Way above his original cash amount.  God is so faithful no matter how big or small you are...

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.--Luke 6:38

His comment to me a few days later, "Mom, can I look at the book thing again?"

Seriously?  God gave him a special heart.  I love the leadership and example he sets for his siblings.  He sets an example for us as well.  You simply can't out give God.  Ever.

*Little Mommy Note here:  Little Miss also chose to purchase from the catalog.  She chose the little lamb stuffed animals that play Jesus Loves Me.  It is so her.  She carries stuffed animals around most of the time and loves the song Jesus Loves Me.  I want to remember each year and what they gave to.  Hopefully, I will be reminded by their giving what was important to them.

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