Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Little Housekeeping

Another full week and I'm just logging on to write.  So crazy how some days seem to linger on and on, but the weeks move so fast I can hardly remember what month we're in.  Funny how time does that.

I have quite a bit to share with you, none of which have a menu attached to it.  My menu is finished, but with Thanksgiving this week, we've got some gaps of this Thanksgiving here and another there.   So to spare you from Thanksgiving #1, 2, and 3.  I'll just leave you with no menu and a new recipe I'm excited to try.

{pic via Skinnytaste.com}

On a totally different note, I want to share a little project the kids and I are working on for today and tomorrow.  After freezing my keister off  Sunday running a relay marathon race, I came to realize how painfully cold I was.  I was whining about it.  Whining about it as I sat in my warm car waiting to board a bus to shuttle me to my leg of the race.  Really?  

In the midst of my belly aching, God kinda revealed to me the pain of living without a home.  Belly aching stopped.  Selfish thoughts, Amanda.  Selfish thoughts.  I decided this could be a great opportunity to offer some help.  Blankets immediately came to mind.  Do you have some?  Blankets, quilts, sleeping bags that are new or like new condition.  The kids and I will collect them from you and take them to John 3:16 Mission to be distributed to the homeless.  It's the least our family can do.  If you are interested in participating, we will be out collecting later this afternoon (Tuesday) and tomorrow morning (Wednesday).  You can send an email to wispclips(at)hotmail(dot)com to schedule a pick-up time.

Lastly, Black Friday is around the corner.  Black Friday means DEEP discounts.  What kind of crazy Arbonne lady would I be if I didn't offer some pretty darn good deals?  Only my deals begin tomorrow and end Friday evening.  If you are not on my client email list, I would highly recommend you send your email address to amandasarbonne(at)yahoo(dot)com.

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