Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My Party or Her Party

It's getting close to Birthday Season around here.  Eight birthdays in the course of 3 months constitutes Birthday Season.  First up is my niece.  I won't even tell you how old she will be because it makes me feel old.  She's early next month.  A week later we celebrate Little Miss' life.  She will be five.  She has an opinion.  She wants a princess party.  I want a cute Pinterest party.

I've spent most of the evening baking and consuming chocolate chip cookies pinning pumpkin party ideas.  She has a Fall birthday after all.  There are so many fun things to do with a pumpkin party. Seriously, how fun would this be?
pumpkin party game ideas - Bing Images 
And this...
 Room Mom Extraordinaire: Painting Pumpkins party
And decorations like this...

Amanda's Parties TO GO: Little Pumpkin Party Set 
and this...

Painted Pumpkin Party | Bower Power

Wait, you say.  It's her party. Not my party.  But what about Cinderella?  There was a pumpkin in that movie.  Maybe I could spin it that way.  OR, Or, or, maybe I could make it a Fall Fairy Party with pumpkins.  Who am I kidding?  I'm going to have to run all this by the Princess herself and see what happens.  Worst case scenario, I'll just throw a Fall Festival Party.  I can't just go wasting good pins now, can I? 

No, no I can't.  That would be a crime.

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