Monday, July 8, 2013

Menu Monday

We hit the road for a few days and returned home just in time for the week to begin again.  My menus have been a mess.  Impromtu dinners with family left me shuffling items here and there, but it all worked out.  Unfortunately for you, there are some repeats and some open spots.

Monday-Grilled Chicken and Peppers with Brown Rice
Tuesday-Taco Soup, Salad, and Cornbread
Wednesday-Chipotle Sweet Potato Skins and Green Beans
Thursday-Baked Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Salad
Friday-Broccoli Chicken Rice Casserole and Honey Buttered Biscuits

I actually know what we'll be eating on Saturday and Sunday, but I'll leave some suspense.  Suspense?  In a menu?  Aye, aye, aye!  I need a life :)  Nah, I've got a pretty good one here with these guys.

Tommorrow I'll share all about our weekend adventures.  We took a little trip down memory lane, visited my grandparents, and introduced our little city slickers to farm life.

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