Monday, June 24, 2013

Menu Monday

It was a love life kind of weekend.  Projects completed.  Fun summer bucket list items marked off.  Sun tans. Barefeet.  Friends.  Late nights. Time with family.  I can't help but love every part of our weekend. 

Last night we spent some time at my mom's house.  As the kids were watering her plants and I was walking with them, we found a large fuzzy caterpillar.  We gathered that fat guy up and took him to show Chubby Cheekers.  I wasn't quite sure how he'd react, but I was slightly afraid he would eat it.  He didn't.  Instead he wanted to pet it.  Each time he'd stick his little finger out to pet it, Little Man would make a loud noise.  Chubby Cheekers would jump back about a foot and crack up.  Little Man and Little Miss were now completely entertained with the reaction of their baby brother.  Highlight of my weekend.

Photo: Chubby Cheekers meets the fuzzy caterpillar.

Here's the menu for the week.

Monday: Lentil Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Tuesday: Homemade Pizza Bread, Salad
Wednesday: BBQ Chicken, Broccoli and Cheese, Sweet Potato
Thursday: Grilled Chicken Salad and Fresh Berries
Friday: Hamburgers, Zucchini Bites, and Cantaloupe
Saturday: Sandwiches and Carrots, Bell Peppes, and Hummus
Sunday:  Key Lime Chicken, Grilled Veggies, Brown Rice

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