Monday, April 22, 2013

Detox Menu Monday

It's officially the last full week of our detox.  I've been asked numerous times if we'll continue the clean eating beyond our 30 days.  It's super hard to answer that one.  The detox is very specific about eliminating all dairy, soy, wheat, caffeine, alcohol, vinegar, and meats with antibiotics and hormones.  So if you're asking am I going to stick to strict limitations, the answer is no.

There are so many changes this detox did bring to my attention.  For example, meats.  I honestly believed I could not fit grain fed, free range chickens in my budget.  I can.  It's not hard, and not that much more expensive.  I can swing it in my budget.  I also realized how much wheat and dairy we consumed.  A lot of my budget went to cheese.  Not anymore.  I will add cheese to casseroles and dishes, but not by the handfuls.  Just little sprinkles.  Almond milk will not completely replace the milk in our house, but we will buy one 1/2 gallon of almond and 1/2 gallon of regular milk. And lastly, I will continue to use the protein shakes every morning for breakfast during the week.

I hope that answers your questions about life after the detox.  I am very happy about losing the pudge off the front of my stomach, and if it comes back I know exactly what I need to do to get rid of it.  Knowledge is power!  Here's the menu...

Monday-Chipotle Sweet Potato Skins, Berry Salad, Green Beans
Tuesday-Hummus Crusted Chicken with Yellow Squash, and Roasted Asparagus
Wednesday-Shredded Chicken Fajitas with Quinoa in Lettuce Wraps, Mexican Rice
Thursday-Taco Salad on Spicy Roasted Chickpeas, and Raw Veggie Strips
Friday-Dinner with Friends
Saturday-Grilled Chicken, Roasted Butternut Squash, Green Beans
Sunday-French Lentil Soup and Salad

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