Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Clean Eating on a Strict Budget

Financial Peace University has my heart to the fullest.  It resonates so deeply with what I hold dear that I will never, ever abandon the ship.  It allows us to closely watch every aspect of our finances from building wealth to giving lots away.  Honestly that's why we're doing FPU, to give more away to organizations and people we are called to bless.

When this whole detox thing began I knew my $110 grocery/baby/household budget was going to be stretched like never before.  I kept thinking, "I'll just do what I can do."  We already purchase a lot of fresh produce, but buying free range chicken and turkey and grass fed beef was overwhelming to me.  I really didn't think I could squeeze that into my budget.  Well, guess what?  I did.

I did have to change the way I purchase my meat.  No longer do I buy chicken breasts.  I switched to the whole free range fryer chickens.  They are around $2 more than a regular chicken pumped full of hormones and anitbiotics.  I can do that increase!  For this detox, we are forgoing beef and sticking with chicken and turkey and incorporating more lentils and beans into our diet.  Lentils and beans are saving us a bunch.  Allowing me to spend more $2 more on the chickens.

Also, Steven and I are following Arbonne's 30 Day to Fit Challenge.  We choose Arbonne because it has best product line of 100% natural ingredients all the way down to the sweeteners.  Nothing artificial.  That is a big, big part for me.  We start our day with a protein shake blended up with leafy greens, fruit, and almond or coconut milk. This replaces our normal breakfast and is just as filling. I was a bit apprehensive about the taste, but was pleasantly surprised at how much I love them.  Super quick, easy, and tasty.  I find it so hard to believe that something so good is actually fueling me way better than I could with 'solid' type food.  It's not just me either.  My family members and a ton of my friends started protein shakes and were also surprised at the taste.

I have so much more I want to tell you, but it's getting late for me. Not to mention I have a big 'ol headache from cutting out my coffee.  Day one of the detox was wonderful in some ways and rough in others.  Hoping tomorrow goes smoother now that I have a better lunch game plan and one day down without my precious morning cup of joe!

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