Friday, February 1, 2013

Rhea Lana of South Tulsa: GIVEAWAY TIME!!!

Rhea Lana of South Tulsa
February 10th-16th

Hard to believe, but February is here!  The month of love, and I LOVE Rhea Lana.  I love consigning and checking out the good deals.  It's not to late for you either.  You still have time to gather your items, tag them, and enter them in the database before the February 8th and 9th Drop Off Dates.  I know I have already told you how my two hours of work paid out, but I have another reason for you to consign at Rhea Lana of South Tulsa.  If you tag your items in store, they are INSURED!!!  If an unsold item is not able to be found after the sale, you will be paid for the lost item.  Just read the experience of one consignor...

Last Fall, I consigned with Rhea Lana of South Tulsa.  I tagged my items in-store and therefore was guaranteed money if an item got lost or stolen.  When I went to pick up my items, my somewhat expensive item was unable to be located.  She took time to search all over, but couldn't find it.  She paid me cash for the item before I left.  She did not make me feel bad about it and apologized for not being able to locate the item.  Amazing customer service!  You don't get that guarantee with other sales in town.
~Dawn Chesser, Rhea Lana of South Tulsa Consignor

Here's the deal. Lost and/or stolen items are a rarity at Rhea Lana of South Tulsa.  The women work diligently to care for your items.  However, isn't it nice to know you are taken care of with a high level of customer service in the incident something slips away?  I just love that!

As for shopping, well, I shouldn't need to to convince you to go.  Just go.  You'll thank me!  Great items, great prices.  Need I say more?  

Don't forget you can get an early shopper pass for volunteering and in some instances you can have your consignor fee waived.  Check it out HERE.

BUT, I'm not here to really discuss consigning or volunteering.  Those are just simple reminders.  Today I'm here to GIVEAWAY some CASH courtesy of the Rhea Lana of South Tulsa owners!  A free TEN DOLLARS...$10.00...TEN DOLLARS to spend at Rhea Lana of South Tulsa's Spring Sale!  I love free.

So here's how you enter...

  • Be sure to 'LIKE' Rhea Lana of South Tulsa on Facebook.
  • Leave a comment on THIS blog post.  Tell me if you're consigning.  Tell me if you're shopping.  Tell me anything.  Just comment.*
  • All entries will be accepted through Monday, February 5th @ 8:00pm.  Winner will be announced Tuesday, February 6th @ 6:30am.
*If you have difficulties leaving a comment please try typing your comment and your name in the comment box, then click the 'Anonymous' button.  Sometimes comments take a while to appear.  You may also leave your comment on the link that posted on the Rhea Lana of South Tulsa Facebook page.

Good LUCK!  
I sure wish I could win this prize.


  1. I love finding quality brand name clothes for great prices at Rhea Lana!

  2. I will be the great deals!!

  3. I am going to try and finish entering my stuff before Wednesday. I have a high chair, changing pad/cover, toys, clothes, etc to get rid of! Thanks for the giveaway.

  4. I was just going to come and shop, but I think I may get my butt in gear and consign some things.. hope I win! I could sure use it! :)
    Jessica thrasher

  5. I have not shopped Rhea Lana before... I would love to win this prize, and see what it's all about! I could use a little extra money to get some clothes for my 2 kiddos!

  6. I will be shopping for new baby!!!

    Marinda Armstrong

  7. Im a first time mom shopping for my baby boy!

    Charity Jett

  8. I will be shopping!

    Mandy Harrell
