Thursday, February 21, 2013


My thoughts right now.  You will become dumber from reading this.

  • We all went back to Wednesday night church last night.  The kids and I took a break.  It felt good to be back.
  • I started a new board on Pinterest regarding gardening.  I suspect most of those pins will never get done.
  • I really, really want a BIG cheeseburger right now.
  • Little Man stayed home from school yesterday.  We played hookie.  It was snowing and I wasn't quite sure how the roads would be at the end of the day so we just didn't go.  
  • The roads ended up being fine.  Oops.
  • We leave for FL in a month.  We're staying in a gigantic house with Steven's family.
  • After having 3 kids, I'm still not ashamed to put on my 2 piece.  I've put in a LOT of hard work to get in 2 piece shape.
  • I will seriously blind people with my whiteness.  I am considering a spray tan.  
  • Steven will not blind people.  He is not white.
  • There are days I wished I were Puerto Rican.
  • I have a friend who used the word pecker yesterday.  I laughed and laughed at that girl.
  • Did you know that bulls can break their peckers from overuse?  Learned something new yesterday.
  • Thanks to the bull who broke his pecker, I received a wonderful piece of roast delivered by my friend.
  • I need to be more thoughtful like my friend.  She showed up with a roast, potatoes, carrots, and a bag of fruit.  Who does that?
  • I have been so tired lately.  
  • I sure hope I'm not pregnant.
  • That was a very bad joke.
  • I still want a cheeseburger.
  • Yesterday I wanted to take a vacation day because I saw this all day long...

Unfortunately, moms don't get vacation days.  I'm taking this up with management pronto.  By the way, do you see my non-cleaned off fridge?  

1 comment:

  1. I can't stop laughing! Pecker....I going to randomly say that word, just for you! I might use weinie! ;) Ohhhh BABY! What in the world, what if you are? Now I want a cheeseburger! PS.... I always want to be PR, or any other dark skin person!
