Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Our Hot Dates

Typically I date a tall, dark, and handsome man.  This passed weekend I got to date a blonde guy.  He was a cutie.  In fact, he's probably the second most handsome guy I've dated in my life.  Second only to his daddy.

Beginning last year, Steven and I decided to take our kids on individual dates for Valentine's Day.  Last year, Little Man and I hit up Barnes and Noble two days before Chubby Cheekers was born.  Although I enjoyed our date tremendously, I was LARGE and in CHARGE.  Little Man wanted to sit on the floor to check out all the books.  Me and my booty were struggling to just move forward let alone get down on the ground and back up, but I did it.

This year Little Man wanted to go back to Barnes and Noble and then get a special drink at Sonic.  He is a boy after my own heart.  We checked out all the new books and left with one of my favorite early reader chapter books, Junie B. Jones Has a Peep in Her Pocket.  The most enjoyable part of our date was being able to get up and down spending time solely with my oldest.  He's a special guy.

Steven also had a hot date.  His Valentine's date involved the annual Daddy Daughter Dance put on by our local community center.  I am so thankful that my girl has a man to look up to such as this...

A man who's willing to take one for the team to make his little girl (behind the beauty in the pink dress) and her friends happy.  It's moments like these that make him all the more attractive, but we're here to talk about my lovely kids.  Like this little beauty...

How in the world did I get lucky enough to marry a man as handsome on the inside as he is on the outside and then talk him into giving me three fabulous kids?  Maybe that Jedi mind trick I learned years ago?

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