Monday, February 25, 2013

Menu Monday

It's my birthday week!!!!  Normally, I don't get too excited for my birthday.  This year is different.  On my birthday I will wake up and meet my running group for 6 miles.  Never ever on my birthday have I ran.  Let alone run 6 miles.  However, turning 33 has me thinking I should really make sure my heart is healthy.  I figured 3+3(adding together the numbers of my age)=6 would be the mileage to run. Plus, my running group is up to 6 miles.  Those crazy girls are training for half marathons and such.  I'm just there for girl time.  It's really pretty sick and twisted how I have to squeeze in the girl time.

After the run, I will come home and I'm secretly hoping my husband decides to make breakfast for me.  So, somebody drop the man a hint for me ;)  After the breakfast my husband may or not make for me, my precious mom offered to take the kids so Steven and I could do lunch and movie, and make dinner for us.  LOVE!

Finally, after my precious babies are in bed, I get to head out for a GNO (Girls' Night Out).  Not a GMR (Girls' Morning Run).  A real night of getting dressed, putting on make-up and going out to a late night dinner where I will consume an undisclosed amount of calories because after all, I would have already run 6 miles.  When you run 6 miles, you get to eat junk late at night.  At least in my world that's what happens.

For the rest of the week, dinner will be served as usual.  By Moi.  Here is what I'll be serving...

Monday-Key West Grilled Drumsticks, Cheesy Bread, Seasoned Steamed Cauliflower
Tuesday-Enchilada Lasagna, Taco Rice, Corn Saute
Wednesday-Spicy Pork BUTT (I love eating butt) Sandwiches, Green Beans, Cantaloupe
Thursday-Tortilla Soup and Salad
Friday-Roasted Chicken Breasts, Asparagus, Garlic Knots
Sunday-Honey Mustard Chicken, Steamed Brocoli, Honey Buttered Bread

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