Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Giveaway Winner and Hookers

I'm sure most of you didn't show up at Torres Tidbits to read about hookers, but that's what you are going to get AFTER I announce the winner of Rhea Lana of South Tulsa's $10 Spending Cash.

Drumroll Please....

Nicole Turrel Hardenburgh

Congratulations, Nicole!!!  Please email me at WispClips@hotmail.com by noon tomorrow (Wednesday, February 6th), and I will tell you how to claim your prize.  If for some reason the prize goes unclaimed, I will randomly choose another winner Wednesday late afternoon.

Now onto hookers.  My story really has less to do with this...

...and more to do with this...

So yesterday I went to the dentist first thing in the morning.  Let's not discuss the act of Congress it takes for me to actually make an appointment, let alone get there.  That's a whole other day and a whole other topic.  

I digress.

At my dentist appointment, I get a few texts coordinating where I'll meet my sis-in-law to pick up the boys for the day.  We decided to meet at Steven's office since that's where I was going to pick up Little Miss and Chubby Cheekers.  After Steven and I trade vehicles and I get the nephews loaded up, we head home.

I'm just driving when Chunkey Monkey strikes up an unusual conversation.

CM:  Hey Aunt Amanda?
Me:  Yes, honey?
CM: I'm going to get me a hooker.

Stop here. For the life of me, I have not a clue where this came from.  I'm thinking maybe my BIL was discussing a case (he's a police officer) and he overheard something.

Me:  A what?
CM:  I'm going to get a hooker so I can climb that mountain over there.
Me:  Ohhhhh, right.  That's great, honey.
CM:  Little Miss, I'm gonna buy you a hooker too.

Now I lived through the year that Little Man referred to his scooter as his cooter, but this is a whole new realm of embarrassment.  I'm just very thankful this time the conversation occurred within the safety of my car.  If for some reason hookers come up again, say in about 15 years, I'll have some serious concerns.  Until then, we'll keeping working on the vocabulary...and laugh at the mix-ups.

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